Evaluation of Mindful Movement for Health Project

Mindful Movement PCN Evaluation (2)

Evaluation of Six-Week Mindful Movement Course for Health

This six week mindful movement course took place in two locations - one in central
Brighton and one in Woodingdean.

Referrals were made by social prescribers from the Central and East PCN team. Patients with long-term health conditions were
invited to attend.

The course was chair-based and especially designed to be accessible to people with
chronic health needs, offering a different theme each week including: grounding,
managing anxiety, balance, strength and resilience, changing habits and self-care.

Each class involved discussion about the different ways people manage their own
conditions and some information about body awareness and tools before a short
mindful movement practice. The practice included breathwork, meditation and some
simple chair based movements (although some people chose to stand). Participants
were then given sheets to take home with exercises to practise.

Read the full report here